Depression Treatment in Long Island & NYC

Depression is a condition that is part of a broad category of mental health disorders called mood disorders.

A mood disorder can include a sense of sadness or despair that lasts weeks or months and permeates your daily functioning. These disorders can cause disturbance in energy, motivation, sleep, appetite, and concentration.

Suffering with a mood disorder can lead to withdrawal from friends and family and the activities once enjoyed, and when drawn out for a prolonged period of time ( 2 or more weeks) progress to major depressive disorder.

Moving beyond your mood disorder can be particularly challenging when those around you encourage you to “cheer up” or “focus on the positive.” Though these suggestions may be well meaning, they can make someone suffering from depression feel even more isolated.

Monét will will guide you with constructive compassionate support and suggest new tools to help you achieve happiness and wellness. Each person has the power to lead a fulfilling, content life. Monét looks forward to helping you find your joy and inner peace.

With an integrated psychotherapy and psychopharmacology approach Monét supports patients suffering from the following Mood Disorders:

  • Clinical depression

  • Grief recovery and coping with loss

  • Major depressive disorder

  • Mood swings and mood disorders

  • Perinatal mood disorders including postpartum depression

  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.

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